Alexa Davidson

Charleston, SC

Alexa is a registered nurse and freelance health writer. She’s written for various women’s health companies, covering topics like natural hormone balance, fertility, and disease prevention. On her own fertility journey, Alexa has experienced profound loss and is passionate about supporting others with similar experiences. When she’s not researching or writing, Alexa can be found in the kitchen, where her specialty is making healthy versions of comfort foods. Nashville Hot Tofu, anyone?

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If you’re familiar with preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A), you might have heard the terms “euploid” for genetically normal embryos and “aneuploid” for...

June 21, 2024

If you’ve ever had a sexually transmitted infection (STI), you’re not alone. The CDC estimates one in five Americans has an STI, and cases...

June 15, 2024

If you have a family member with endometriosis, you know it’s more than just a bad period.  You’ve seen firsthand how chronic pain...

April 26, 2024

When an athlete returns after a serious injury, sports broadcasters share emotional stories about their resilience and determination. Fans celebrate the return of...

April 25, 2024

As a many-year-menstruator, you may have a period routine down: Start the week feeling moody, bloated, and crampy. Grab your period kit full...

April 15, 2024

Three days after my D&C from a missed miscarriage, I walked the beach with my mom.  It was a sunny May morning, the...

April 9, 2024

  For many couples, the fertility journey is a long and windy road. After countless tests, procedures, and hopeful moments countered by heartbreak, there...

April 1, 2024

Life with endometriosis can be an ongoing battle. After years of dealing with painful flare-ups, many women experience its next cruel symptom: infertility....

March 24, 2024

If you’re actively trying to conceive (TTC), you know that timing intercourse around ovulation is key to getting pregnant. The app tells you...

February 18, 2024

So you and your partner decided to pull the goalie — congrats! You’re one step closer to bringing a baby into this world....

January 28, 2024

The trying-to-conceive journey often feels like a continual game of hurry-up-and-wait. You start preparing your body for a possible pregnancy, figure out the...

November 13, 2023

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an autoimmune disease closely associated with the skin condition psoriasis. It causes the immune system to attack the joints...

November 9, 2023

You finally got that BFP (big fat positive) on a pregnancy test, and you’re so excited about the changes ahead — but your...

October 7, 2023

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