The Miscarriage Reassurer: To Use or Not to Use

Pregnancy can be a time of immense joy, but it can also be accompanied by intense worry and anxiety, especially for those who have...

August 22, 2024

What's New in Pregnancy Loss

Finding out your pregnancy is nonviable can be one of the most devastating experiences for an intended parent. Adding to this pain are the...

Sarene Leeds • Aug 16, 2024

What's New in Pregnancy Loss

Let’s face it: pregnancy after loss can make for a complex and emotionally charged nine months. While the joy of a new pregnancy is...

Kristyn Hodgdon • Aug 13, 2024

Experiencing a miscarriage can be one of the most emotionally devastating times in a person’s life. The grief, guilt, and sense of emptiness can...

Kristyn Hodgdon • Aug 13, 2024

Pregnancy will always be synonymous with a whirlwind of emotions – joy, fear, stress, excitement, to name a few. And sometimes, heartbreak weasels its...

Sarene Leeds • Jun 26, 2024

When an athlete returns after a serious injury, sports broadcasters share emotional stories about their resilience and determination. Fans celebrate the return of...

Alexa Davidson, RN • Apr 25, 2024

If you’ve experienced any form of pregnancy loss, the first thing to do is to give yourself grace. It’s crucial during this devastating...

Sarene Leeds • Apr 9, 2024

Three days after my D&C from a missed miscarriage, I walked the beach with my mom.  It was a sunny May morning, the...

Alexa Davidson • Apr 9, 2024
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Rescripted Originals

Through miscarriage or stillbirth, there’s nothing wrong with you.
Each and every loss matters. 🫶
“At least you know you can get pregnant.”“It will happen. Just keep trying.” 🙄
Miscarriage: the club no one wants to be a part of. 💔
A miscarriage is hard enough to cope with, let alone several. #fertility #infertility #ttc

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From UTIs to wellness trends, 'The Cycle' by Rescripted cuts through the noise so you can be the expert in you in just 5 minutes twice a week.

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Trying to understand recurrent pregnancy loss is often taxing. There are a lot of questions but very few answers. You are overwhelmed with...

Vivian Nunez • Apr 8, 2024

This week, the topic of conversation at the Supreme Court was the “abortion pill” or mifepristone. Mifepristone is one of two pills that...

Vivian Nunez • Mar 29, 2024

The loss of a baby during pregnancy is traumatic. It doesn’t matter when or how it happens. In my experience, an early loss...

Dana Kirchoff • Mar 12, 2024
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From First Period To Last Period, hosted by Rescripted Co-Founder Kristyn Hodgdon, is a science-backed health and wellness podcast dedicated to shining a light on all of the women’s health topics that have long been considered taboo – from UTIs to endometriosis. From tales of women who have been there to interviews with varying health experts, we’re amplifying women’s needs and voices because we know there is so much more to the female experience than what happens at the doctor’s office. It's hard enough to be a woman without taking on the Wild West of women’s health information. With From First Period To Last Period, we’re doing the legwork on your whole body so you can be the expert in YOU.
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Women’s Health Mavericks is a podcast dedicated to shining a light on the people who are moving the needle when it comes to women’s health and wellness. From inspiring entrepreneurs and innovators to leaders of big brands defining culture to movers and shakers of biosciences companies dedicated to treating women, we’ll introduce you to the people, the ideas, and the businesses that are changing the face of women’s health in America and across the globe. Hosted by Abby Mercado, Co-Founder & CEO of Rescripted.
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In the podcast Sorry For Apologizing, Missy Modell — activist, strategist, and recovering chronic apologizer — along with various experts, explores all of the ways women have been conditioned by society to play small. From being expected to have children, tolerate chronic pain, or just generally accepting gender inequities, join us as we discuss all of the reasons why women should be speaking up more and apologizing for less.
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In The Fertility Sisterhood, Dr. Carmen Messerlian — Harvard Epidemiologist and Fertility Expert — and her sister, Lara discuss what everyone needs to know about how the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and our everyday environmental exposures, impact our health and, therefore, our fertility. Listen as they share practical tips for how you can clean up your lifestyle, not only for yourself but for future generations.