What It’s Like to Wait 14 Years for a Vaginismus Diagnosis

One in seven women in the U.S. suffers from chronic pelvic pain, a condition that is often questioned, misdiagnosed, or dismissed altogether, especially if...

September 16, 2024

What's New in Sexual Health

Period sex: It's already taboo enough. But with the growing popularity of sustainable period products like menstrual cups, you may have found yourself wondering...

Kristyn Hodgdon • Sep 6, 2024

What's New in Sexual Health

Here at Rescripted, we think a lot about the pain gap. The term refers to our societal dismissal of women’s pain. Think about it:...

Zara Hanawalt • Aug 14, 2024

Picture it: A rare Saturday night where you and your partner have nothing on the agenda. No one needs to catch up on work,...

Sarene Leeds • Aug 3, 2024

Sometimes it happens…you’re just not in the mood for any kind of sex. There are so many factors that go into this, from dynamics...

Mara Santilli • Aug 3, 2024

It is completely normal for a woman’s libido, or sex drive, to fluctuate throughout her life. Everything from hormonal changes — think IVF, pregnancy,...

Brighid Flynn • Aug 2, 2024

Let's talk about a topic that's been the subject of countless debates, whispered conversations, and internal struggles: sex on the first date. It's a...

Kristyn Hodgdon • Jul 17, 2024

If you have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and the thought of having sex makes you cringe, your PCOS could be to blame. Don’t worry; you’re...

Blair Sharp • Jun 20, 2024
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Rescripted Originals

Let’s face it: birth control gets a bad rap on social media. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@thefertility_rn discusses Opill, FDA-approved over-the-counter birth control pill
When it comes to why women don’t want sex, I could give you a laundry list of reasons.
Here are two big reproductive healthcare wins you may have missed. 💜
Sex and intimacy are incredibly important for reproduction #fertility #infertility #ttc
The pelvic floor is responsible for supporting and stabilizing all of our pelvic organs
What does a positive ovulation test mean?
Who’s sorry? Not us.
SAVE this post for empowering knowledge on #TheBigO(vulation) and trying to conceive. 💜⁠
14% of people say they don’t know anything about their reproductive anatomy (Thanks, Sex Ed!). 🤯
Women don’t have enough information about their bodies — that’s just a fact.
Why Pelvic Floor Issues Don't Only Pertain to Pregnant Women

Rescripted Originals

The Cycle

From UTIs to wellness trends, 'The Cycle' by Rescripted cuts through the noise so you can be the expert in you in just 5 minutes twice a week.

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From first period to last period, Rescripted has the science-backed women's health content you need in the voice of your best friend over brunch.

Let’s get the basic facts out of the way: It is no fun getting a urinary tract infection (UTI). It is also no fun...

Sarene Leeds • Jun 19, 2024

If you’ve ever had a sexually transmitted infection (STI), you’re not alone. The CDC estimates one in five Americans has an STI, and cases...

Alexa Davidson • Jun 15, 2024

  It's been said before, and it should be emphasized again for good measure: Sex should not be painful in any way, shape, or...

Mara Santilli • Jun 10, 2024
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From First Period To Last Period, hosted by Rescripted Co-Founder Kristyn Hodgdon, is a science-backed health and wellness podcast dedicated to shining a light on all of the women’s health topics that have long been considered taboo – from UTIs to endometriosis. From tales of women who have been there to interviews with varying health experts, we’re amplifying women’s needs and voices because we know there is so much more to the female experience than what happens at the doctor’s office. It's hard enough to be a woman without taking on the Wild West of women’s health information. With From First Period To Last Period, we’re doing the legwork on your whole body so you can be the expert in YOU.
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Women’s Health Mavericks is a podcast dedicated to shining a light on the people who are moving the needle when it comes to women’s health and wellness. From inspiring entrepreneurs and innovators to leaders of big brands defining culture to movers and shakers of biosciences companies dedicated to treating women, we’ll introduce you to the people, the ideas, and the businesses that are changing the face of women’s health in America and across the globe. Hosted by Abby Mercado, Co-Founder & CEO of Rescripted.
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In the podcast Sorry For Apologizing, Missy Modell — activist, strategist, and recovering chronic apologizer — along with various experts, explores all of the ways women have been conditioned by society to play small. From being expected to have children, tolerate chronic pain, or just generally accepting gender inequities, join us as we discuss all of the reasons why women should be speaking up more and apologizing for less.
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In The Fertility Sisterhood, Dr. Carmen Messerlian — Harvard Epidemiologist and Fertility Expert — and her sister, Lara discuss what everyone needs to know about how the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and our everyday environmental exposures, impact our health and, therefore, our fertility. Listen as they share practical tips for how you can clean up your lifestyle, not only for yourself but for future generations.