You’ve probably heard the term “hypochondriac” to describe someone who worries a lot about their health, goes out of their way to avoid germs, or spends significant time looking up health conditions online. People sometimes use this term in a negative way to essentially call someone out for being “dramatic” about their health, but in reality, hypochondria isn’t a personality trait, it’s a mental health issue that can cause real distress for people. Similar to “OCD”, which is still frequently used to describe people who are meticulous, the real meaning of “hypochondria” has been watered down...
What Is High-Functioning Depression?
When someone talks about “high-functioning depression,” they are probably referring to a condition called Dysthymia. The mental health condition is known for having more mild symptoms of depression that you have been managing for a very long time. According to Mount Sinai, some of the condition's most common symptoms include fatigue, low self-esteem, and poor concentration. Whereas seasonal affective disorder (seasonal depression) pops up during the winter for many people, high-functioning depression is the opposite. Its symptoms are year-round and often present for long stretches of time. What makes one kind of depression more “high functioning”...
86 Small, Achievable New Year's Resolutions
As the clock strikes midnight and a fresh calendar year unfolds, many of us feel that familiar urge to make grand declarations about how we'll transform our lives with a laundry list of ambitious goals: hitting the gym at dawn, cutting out every drop of sugar, or promising to read a book a week. Those big plans can feel exciting at first, but often become overwhelming, often fizzling out faster than champagne bubbles. Small, realistic changes tend to stick around longer — and can add up to big results over time. So this year, why not...
Birthday Depression: It’s Not Just You
As another birthday approaches, you might find yourself feeling more blue than festive. The balloons seem a little deflated, the cake a bit too sweet, and the cheerful wishes from friends and family ring hollow. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. Birthday depression is a real phenomenon that affects many people, regardless of age or life circumstances. Even Taylor Swift knows this feeling all too well (I'm so depressed, I act like it's my birthday every day) — the expectation of joy coupled with an underlying sadness that can be hard to shake. Feeling low...
People love to say that the holiday season is the “most wonderful time of the year”. And sure, it can be — but the reality we don’t often discuss is that for many people, this time of year can feel extremely heavy. Of course, the holidays can bring their own set of challenges, from the financial strain many of us experience, to the complications that can arise from spending time with extended family, or perhaps not having family to be around at all. Holidays aside, December is, in and of itself, challenging: It’s cold, it gets...
Famous People With PTSD: Triumph Over Trauma
You’ve probably heard someone jokingly say, “OMG, that’s giving me PTSD!” But the truth is, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious mental health condition that affects way more people than you might think. Nightmares, anxiety, flashbacks, and feeling emotionally numb — these are just a few of the ways PTSD can show up in someone’s life. And it’s not just veterans who experience it. About 3.5% of adults in the U.S. deal with PTSD every year, and one in 11 people will face it at some point in their lives. PTSD symptoms can affect anyone...
You know that feeling that comes over you after a really long overdue catchup with your friends? You feel…healthier, somehow. Lighter, clearer, and more connected to yourself. It turns out, there’s scientific backing here: Friendship is good for your health. One study found higher survival rates among breast cancer patients with close social networks, and research from UCLA proposes a “tend and befriend” theory, which suggests that women may live longer due to their tendency to use social connections to manage stress. Friendships don’t just benefit our physical health, but our mental health as well. Research...
Finding Solace: 13 Quotes for the Mentally Exhausted
You are balancing all of the world's weight on your shoulders until one small thing on a random day makes you just stop. You’re not giving up; you’re not even sure how to rest, but what you are sure of is that you’re mentally exhausted. You may also notice that your mental exhaustion impacts your physical health or work life. It isn’t an easy place to arrive, but everyone can relate to being there at one point or another. The factors that lead someone to mental exhaustion are also incredibly personal; maybe it’s work, your fertility...
Chill Vibes Only: 12 Affirmations for Anxiety
When it comes to anxiety, there are a whole range of methods to manage the symptoms. Some require professional intervention from a mental health professional (like a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist), while others are lifestyle modifications or practices that can help people with anxiety manage their mental health. Affirmations can be helpful for people dealing with anxiety One way to cope during times of anxiety? Incorporating affirmations into your day-to-day self-care practices. “Affirmations can help counteract negative and anxious thought patterns by reframing them into ones that are more helpful and positive,” says Neha Darji,...
Best Free Time Management Apps: Our Top Picks
If there’s one thing we can’t get enough of it’s time. Whether it’s finding the time to get a full night’s sleep, squeeze in a workout, or socialize with friends, it seems like time always has the upper hand. Although it can be difficult, there are free time management apps out there that can help you. Not only can you become more organized, but you can also work on prioritizing what’s most important to you. It’s important to keep in mind that not everybody has the same goals when it comes to time management. For example,...