Omnitrope is a subcutaneous injection containing somatropins, also known as Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Saizen is prescribed to some fertility patients in order to help stimulate follicle growth and egg...
Omnitrope is a subcutaneous injection containing somatropins, also known as Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Saizen is prescribed to some fertility patients in order to help stimulate follicle growth and egg maturation. HGH may be prescribed during your cycle, depending on your doctor's wishes. Some studies have shown HGH may improve follicle growth and egg maturation during the stimulation stage of your cycle.
Step 1: Gather your supplies, and wash your hands
1 minutes
- You will need: Vial of Omnitrope powder, vial of sterile diluent, 1cc syringe, needle for mixing, 27 gauge 1/2 needle for administration, alcohol pads and sharps disposal.
Step 2: Mix your dose
2 minutes
Using the syringe and mixing needle, draw air into the syringe equalling 1 cc. Insert the needle into the vial of sterile diluent and expel the air. Invert the vial and take 1cc of diluent into the syringe. Withdraw the needle.
- Next, insert the needle into the vial of omnitrope and expel the diluent. Swirl the vial to dissolve the powder without making lots of bubbles.
- When dissolved, invert the vial and take the prescribed amount of medication into the syringe. Withdraw the needle.
Step 3: Prep your needle
1 minutes
- With the needle pointing up, tap the barrel of the syringe and gently push on the plunger until a small drop of liquid appears at the tip of the needle.
- Switch from the mixing needle to the 27 gauge 1/2 needle for administration.
Step 4: Pick your injection site
1 minutes
- Choose a spot on your abdomen about 2 inches on either side of your belly button. Clean it with an alcohol pad and let air dry.
Step 5: Administer the injection
1 minutes
- Take a pinch of skin around your injection site and hold the syringe at a 90 degree angle. Steadily, push the needle all the way in and release your pinch of skin. Push the plunger down until all of the medication is gone. Then withdraw the needle.
Dispose of your syringe in the sharps disposal. You did it!