Have you ever fallen down the Reddit rabbit hole in a desperate attempt to seek answers about a medical condition? First of all, no judgment, and second of all, it’s completely understandable! Platforms like Reddit offer a sense of community for those of us trying to wrap our heads around frustrating diagnoses that can affect our fertility, like, say, PCOS.The problem with these online forums is they don’t always offer evidence-based medical advice. Sometimes, these discussions can even create more questions than answers! For example, one query that’s come up from these Reddit chats is whether...

Sarene Leeds • Sep 19, 2024

From menstrual cramps to heavy bleeding, periods usually aren't an enjoyable experience for anyone. Not only can they be painful, but also exhausting, and frankly, annoying to deal with for days at a time. The same can be said for contracting a urinary tract infection (UTI), whether it's for the first or fifth time. But what about a combination of the two? Can having a UTI can actually mess with your period, and vice versa? We spoke with the experts about the connection between UTIs and periods, so you'll know what to look out for the...

Casey Clark • Sep 16, 2024

One in seven women in the U.S. suffers from chronic pelvic pain, a condition that is often questioned, misdiagnosed, or dismissed altogether, especially if the person hasn’t mustered the courage to discuss it. Elizabeth's* experience is a reflection of this struggle. Overcoming vaginismus: Elizabeth's story As a teenager, Elizabeth tried using tampons but found it impossible to insert them. “I was having panic attacks with heart palpitations, racing thoughts, and shaky limbs,” she recalls. “This was my first signal that something was different. I questioned my anatomy, wondering if I even had the ‘right parts,’ despite...

Mara Santilli • Sep 16, 2024

Your period is at it again. Debilitating cramps, heavy bleeding, complete exhaustion, and nothing seems to help. If you’re starting to wonder if something more than a “bad period” could be to blame, these are just some of the common — and super frustrating — symptoms of endometriosis and adenomyosis. These two misunderstood (and often misdiagnosed) conditions can wreak havoc on your cycle, fertility, and overall well-being.  “Both endometriosis and adenomyosis can be difficult to diagnose, and for many women, the diagnosis is never made,” says Bruce Lessey, MD, PhD, a reproductive endocrinologist & infertility specialist...

Blair Sharp • Sep 12, 2024

For centuries, menstrual pain has been a topic shrouded in silence and misunderstanding. Many women have struggled to articulate the intensity of their monthly discomfort — even to healthcare providers — and they are often met with dismissive attitudes, a lack of empathy, or worse: medical gaslighting. But what if there was a way to bridge this gap in understanding? Enter the period cramp simulator, a device that's sparking conversations and changing perspectives on menstrual pain. The concept is simple yet revolutionary: allow individuals who don't menstruate, particularly men, to experience a simulation of period cramps....

Kristyn Hodgdon • Sep 11, 2024

If you’re currently pregnant or planning for pregnancy, cord blood banking (saving the blood and tissue from the fetal umbilical cord to preserve potentially healing stem cells) might not be the number one thing on your radar, but it’s an important health decision to make for your family.  The preservation of stem cells can be a worthy investment, particularly if you have a history of certain health conditions in your family (stem cells have been used to treat more than 80 health conditions).  There are some misconceptions about cord blood banking, including that the pricing is...

Mara Santilli • Sep 9, 2024

Period sex: It's already taboo enough. But with the growing popularity of sustainable period products like menstrual cups, you may have found yourself wondering if it's okay to have intercourse while using one. First off, there’s absolutely no reason to feel awkward or ashamed about having sex during your period. It’s totally natural, and lots of people enjoy it without any issues. However, adding a menstrual cup into the mix does come with its own set of things to consider. You’ve probably heard whispers that using a menstrual cup can make period sex less "messy." And...

Kristyn Hodgdon • Sep 6, 2024

Period sex: It's already taboo enough. But with the growing popularity of sustainable period products like menstrual cups, you may have found yourself wondering if it's okay to have intercourse while using one. First off, there’s absolutely no reason to feel awkward or ashamed about having sex during your period. It’s totally natural, and lots of people enjoy it without any issues. However, adding a menstrual cup into the mix does come with its own set of things to consider. You’ve probably heard whispers that using a menstrual cup can make period sex less "messy." And...

Kristyn Hodgdon • Sep 6, 2024

Have you ever wondered why you feel on top of the world one week and ready to hibernate the next? As women, many of us experience emotional highs and lows throughout the month, and it all ties back to one thing — our menstrual cycle. More than just a monthly event, our cycle is a delicate interplay of hormones that profoundly affects both our bodies and minds. By understanding the phases and how they shape our moods, we can better navigate and embrace our emotional shifts from week to week.  Now let's dive into how each of...

Kristyn Hodgdon • Sep 5, 2024

Whether you’ve been dealing with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) for a number of years or you’re in the same camp as approximately one-third of people who wait two years or more for a PCOS diagnosis and have yet to be diagnosed, one common thread is that you probably feel exhausted all.of.the.time. The PCOS fatigue might feel particularly debilitating around your heavy flow days that seem to chain you to your couch or bed, but you might also feel constantly tired and drained all throughout your cycle, too. It can make it nearly impossible to still get...

Mara Santilli • Aug 28, 2024