To be blunt about it: IVF is expensive. Period. No matter which tax bracket you’re in.
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness
To be blunt about it: IVF is expensive. Period. No matter which tax bracket you’re in.
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness
Does endometriosis cause weight gain?
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness
Rest is often the last thing on our minds, even when it’s the first thing we need 💛
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness
I lost myself...
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness
this community reminds me everyday that i’m not alone and that awareness is so needed!
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness
We know that prenatal vitamins are important while TTC and during pregnancy.
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness
🙃like great….thanks….🙃
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness
Meanwhile your friends are out here responding with a simple K, sounds good, or worse
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness
Did you know that the ‘right’ kind of movement can actually help reduce IBS symptoms? 💩
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness
First and foremost, I know there is a collective fatigue in the infertility community right now.
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness
Curious about fibroids and why they disproportionately affect Black women?
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness
A Pap smear — a screening test performed every 3 years by an OB/GYN during an annual wellness exam
A Pap smear — a screening test performed every 3 years by an OB/GYN during an annual wellness exam
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness
Except our reproductive rights going back 50 years — that’s straight up terrifying 🙃
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness
No offense to those who have tried these things and believe any of them helped you conceive, but...
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness
Without rest - we can’t recover. Without recovery, we can’t grow.
#Trying to Conceive
#Health & Wellness