
I’m not saying talk therapy and self awareness aren’t important here...
What has infertility robbed you of?
Okay, joke’s over! You got me! 🤦🏻‍♀️
I’ve never met a woman who wasn’t willing to lend me a pad or tampon, and that’s something 🫶
Let the parents say it when they’re good and ready.” -@kykelce 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
We had a good run 🤦🏻‍♀️
But how does the known egg donation process work, exactly?
PSA: You can ask for a fertility evaluation at any time
fertilityformen is an all-natural doctor-formulated supplement that promotes sperm health
@eunatural has meticulously crafted, botanical-powered supplements
Can travel delay your period?
When we say infertility is a rollercoaster 🎢
Let’s face it: Trying to conceive can be stressful
It’s true, we are SO happy for you that you are pregnant!
If you’ve been pregnant once, getting pregnant the second time should be easy, right?
A loss is a loss, no matter how early. A simple ‘hi’ is all we need. 🥹
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