There are many nutrients that the body needs for optimal fertility. While many are produced or consumed naturally, some might be beneficial to pursue in addition to a healthy, well-balanced diet.

If you've been on the TTC (trying to conceive) journey for a while, chances are you've heard about CoQ10. It’s one of those supplements that everyone swears by — but does it actually work, or is it just another expensive bottle on the bathroom shelf? Let’s break down the science, the hype, and the facts about CoQ10 and fertility so you can decide if it’s worth the investment.

person eating a cheeseburger

What is CoQ10?

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant found in every cell of your body. It plays a crucial role in producing energy and protecting cells from oxidative stress. Without it, your cells would be running on fumes. But here’s the kicker — as you age, your CoQ10 levels drop, which isn’t great news for your reproductive health, as sperm and egg cells require a lot of energy and are highly vulnerable to oxidative stress.

There are two forms of CoQ10: ubiquinone, the inactive kind, and ubiquinol, the active form. Your body has to convert ubiquinone into ubiquinol to use it, but as you get older, that process becomes less efficient. Not ideal when you’re trying to conceive.

You can find CoQ10 in foods like meat, dairy, and eggs, but if you’re not downing a steak every day, you’re probably not getting enough. That’s why many people turn to supplements — and why they’re so popular in the fertility world.

CoQ10 and female fertility

Here’s the deal: women are born with all the eggs they’re ever going to have. And just like the rest of us, those eggs age over time. As they get older, they’re more susceptible to oxidative stress (cellular burnout), which affects egg quality and overall fertility.

This is where CoQ10 comes in — it protects your eggs from oxidative damage and boosts energy production, helping them stay healthier for longer. One study even found that CoQ10 improved ovarian response and increased the number of high-quality embryos in women undergoing IVF. Another study suggested that CoQ10 might help older women improve egg quality — so yes, it’s definitely worth a look if you’re over 35.

CoQ10 and male fertility

CoQ10 isn’t just for women. It’s just as important for male fertility. Why? Because sperm are basically tiny, energetic swimmers that need a lot of fuel to reach the egg, and CoQ10 is the power source that keeps them moving, along with a well-balanced diet.

Not only does CoQ10 improve sperm motility (swimming speed), but it also boosts sperm concentration and morphology (shape). A study showed that men taking CoQ10 supplements saw significant improvements in all three areas. Another research found that CoQ10 could even enhance sperm quality in men with fertility issues.

person taking a coq10 supplement

CoQ10 benefits for fertility

So, what’s in it for you? Well, here are the top fertility benefits of CoQ10:

  • Better egg quality: CoQ10 shields eggs from oxidative damage, keeping them healthier for longer.
  • Stronger sperm: It improves sperm motility, concentration, and shape, increasing the chances of fertilization.
  • Enhanced embryo quality: More energy for cells = higher-quality embryos.
  • Hormonal support: CoQ10 powers cellular energy, helping to regulate hormones.

Whether you’re facing age-related fertility issues or just want to give your reproductive health a boost, CoQ10 is a solid choice.

CoQ10 pregnancy

Here’s the million-dollar question: can CoQ10 actually help you get pregnant? According to one study, women who took CoQ10 during IVF cycles had higher pregnancy rates compared to those who didn’t. Another study showed improved fertilization rates and better embryo quality.

That being said, while CoQ10 can increase your chances of conception, it doesn’t guarantee a live birth. It’s also generally considered safe to take during pregnancy, but always check with your doctor before starting any new supplement.

woman reading a pregnancy test

How much CoQ10 for fertility?

Here’s where it gets tricky — there’s no one-size-fits-all dosage. Most fertility experts recommend between 100 mg and 600 mg per day, depending on your age and reproductive health. CoQ10 is fat-soluble, so take it with a meal that contains healthy fats for better absorption.

It doesn’t generally produce side effects, though side effects can include upset stomach, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and insomnia — especially when taking over 100 milligrams per day.

How much CoQ10 for female fertility?

For women, the sweet spot is usually 200 mg to 600 mg per day. If you’re doing IVF or have diminished ovarian reserve, go for the higher end. And remember, egg cells take about 90 days to mature, so start supplementing at least three months before trying to conceive.

How much CoQ10 for male fertility?

Men typically need around 200 mg to 300 mg daily to see improvements in sperm health. Just like with women, it takes about 90 days for sperm cells to develop, so get a head start.

CoQ10 pregnancy success rates

Let’s cut to the chase — does CoQ10 actually work? According to this study, women who took CoQ10 before and during IVF had significantly higher pregnancy rates. Another study showed better embryo quality and ovarian response in women over 35.

But before you get too excited, remember that CoQ10 is not a magic pill. It boosts your chances, but it’s not a guarantee. More research is needed to fully understand its impact on live birth rates.

CoQ10 and fertility over 40

If you’re over 40, CoQ10 is your new best friend. As we age, our natural CoQ10 levels drop, impacting egg quality and ovarian reserve. Supplementing with CoQ10 helps slow down this decline by boosting cellular energy and protecting eggs from oxidative damage.

A study found that women over 40 taking CoQ10 had better ovarian response, higher-quality embryos, and increased pregnancy rates. Another research suggested that CoQ10 could delay ovarian aging and improve fertility outcomes. If you’re 40+ and TTC, CoQ10 is definitely worth considering.

woman soaking up the sun

So, is CoQ10 worth it for fertility?

Long story short – yes, it’s worth a shot. CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant that supports both female and male fertility by improving egg and sperm quality, enhancing embryo development, and increasing pregnancy rates. Plus, it’s generally safe and well-tolerated.

Want to start taking CoQ10? Check with your doctor to make sure it’s right for you, then stock up on some CoQ10 supplements, this one from Molecular Fertility. But don’t just pop a pill and expect miracles. Start taking it at least 3 months before TTC, be consistent, and take it with food for best results.

Best of luck — we’re rooting for you!

Tassia O'Callaghan is an experienced content writer and strategist, having written about a vast range of topics from chemical regulations to parenting, for brands like Peanut App Ltd, Scary Mommy, Tally Workspace, and Office Christmas. She's an advocate for realistic sustainable living, supporting small businesses (author of A-Z of Marketing for Small Businesses), and equity across all walks of life. Follow her on LinkedIn or TikTok, or see more of her work on Authory or her website.

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