Results for "surrogacy"

Sometimes, despite multiple attempts at assisted reproductive technology, the recommended next course of action for certain prospective parents is surrogacy. This is a process...

August 13, 2024

These days, it’s pretty easy to find articles online that walk you through numerous fertility protocols, from in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to egg freezing. But...

July 2, 2024

No one's journey to becoming a parent is the same. For some people, it may involve IVF, and part of that might mean...

April 28, 2024

I’ve spent the past decade covering reproductive health, and here’s what I’ve noticed during that time: Celebrities have been a real force in...

April 2, 2024

The loss of a baby during pregnancy is traumatic. It doesn’t matter when or how it happens. In my experience, an early loss...

March 12, 2024

When Victoria Raphael was diagnosed with breast cancer at 33, she was in “total shock” — which makes perfect sense. At 33, she...

February 25, 2024

If you asked a group of people affected by infertility to describe what it feels like, I imagine the word “isolating” would come...

December 26, 2023

My journey to motherhood began in 2016 when I became pregnant with my son, Luke. I was fortunate to conceive easily and have...

December 19, 2023

Infertility is defined by many major health groups, including the World Health Organization and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists as being...

November 23, 2023

For the 10 to 20% of pregnancies that end in miscarriage, the loss is compounded when there are more people involved in the...

November 15, 2023

When we talk about abortion rights in a post-Roe world, we often talk about the importance of reproductive choice. As we should: Giving...

October 29, 2023

Sponsored by Organon. Visit for infertility resources and information. LGBTQ+ couples navigating family planning and fertility options may face unique questions and...

October 2, 2023

The journey to building a family can be an emotionally and financially taxing one. Fertility treatments and procedures, while offering hope to many,...

September 13, 2023

In addition to starring in Daisy Jones and the Six, Riley Keough quietly welcomed her first child in 2022. The news of Keough’s...

August 28, 2023

Possibly now, more than ever, surrogacy seems to be in the spotlight thanks to some high-profile celebrities. With this increased focus comes a...

July 28, 2023

Assisted reproductive technologies like intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), donor conception (sperm, egg, or embryos), surrogacy, or any combination of building...

July 22, 2023

Whether you love them or hate them (or love to hate them), there’s one thing that’s undeniable: The Kardashians keep it all the...

June 11, 2023

Non-traditional paths to parenthood are frequently misunderstood, and surrogacy is arguably the path that is most in need of cultural demystification. Surrogacy involves...

May 24, 2023

When it comes to assisted reproductive treatments like IUI and IVF, costs can vary based on the state, health insurance, fertility diagnosis, and...

May 22, 2023

All couples navigate their family planning journey differently. But, no matter where your journey takes you, you may start by exploring which fertility...

May 15, 2023

  Most women and AFAB (assigned female at birth) people can relate to feeling the pressure to be pregnant. A layer of worry...

April 18, 2023

  One summer day at work I received a call from my husband who had recently been diagnosed with testicular cancer. He had...

April 12, 2023

  Everyone’s path to parenthood is unique. For some, becoming a parent can take a month while for others, it can take years....

April 12, 2023

  If you're considering surrogacy as a way to grow your family, then you know you have a lot of big decisions ahead....

March 18, 2023

  Before we dive head first into this breakdown, let’s start with the obvious question here: what is third-party reproduction? The phrase is...

February 19, 2023

  Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Do you hear that? It’s that pesky biological clock ticking in your head. I’ve been there and have...

February 6, 2023

  In societal conversations about pregnancy loss and failed fertility treatments, we often talk about what people with uteruses endure. But a recent...

February 5, 2023

  If you’re struggling to conceive and are unable to carry a pregnancy for medical reasons, or if you’re an LGBTQ+ couple hoping...

January 31, 2023

  For those of us who can’t get pregnant ‘the old-fashioned way,’ there are many alternative paths to parenthood, from intrauterine insemination (IUI)...

January 24, 2023

  Most people who have experienced fertility challenges have probably heard someone say “Well, you should just use a surrogate!” as though surrogacy...

January 11, 2023

  If you’re experiencing difficulties in growing your family, making the decision to enter the world of fertility treatments can be, to put...

January 3, 2023

  Infertility is one of the most challenging crises an individual or couple can face. It’s often accompanied by loss, bereavement, and a...

December 13, 2022

  On an early 2022 episode of The Ladygang podcast, each of the show’s three hosts reflected on the worst piece of advice...

December 6, 2022

  It’s no secret that IVF is time-consuming, physically and emotionally draining, and expensive. The average cost for one IVF cycle ranges from...

December 5, 2022

If you’re reading this, then you probably know that getting pregnant isn’t always as easy as we were told it would be in...

December 4, 2022

  To some, it sounds obvious: of course you should talk about whether or not you want kids with the person you’re going...

November 23, 2022

  Not everyone decides to pursue parenthood in their 20s or 30s. Some may be focused on their careers or haven’t yet found...

November 9, 2022

  If you’ve considered pursuing surrogacy — either as an intended parent or as a gestational carrier — you may have no idea...

October 12, 2022

  With data from the CDC showing that 1 in 5 couples face infertility, it’s no surprise that there are famous faces among...

September 26, 2022

  Let me tell you a little story about my first round of IVF. Spoiler alert: it was a big fat failure. When...

January 10, 2022

  Infertility is hard to understand if you haven’t been through it, and there are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there,...

November 10, 2021

  Infertility hit me hard. There’s no question about that. Like so many of you, I desperately wanted to get pregnant and have...

November 1, 2021

  My husband and I never thought we would be diagnosed with infertility when trying to expand our family. But when life gave us...

September 7, 2021

  It took my husband Brad and me two years to get on the same page when it came to our fertility treatment....

August 11, 2021

  When I was going through fertility treatments the first time around, I was blissfully unaware that there were so many things that...

July 22, 2021

  When I was 12 weeks pregnant with my first child, I told my husband that if we ever wanted to have another,...

April 22, 2021

  When you think of the typical situations that lead people to turn to lawyers, you may think of getting into a car...

February 18, 2021

  Celebrities, they’re just like us. Right?! Well, actually, it’s complicated.  While on the surface it might seem like celebrities bringing attention to...

January 28, 2021

  In November of 2019, my husband and I found ourselves in our fertility clinic’s IVF orientation course, a half-day event that was...

January 7, 2021

  I love sharing the story of the creation of my modern-day family because I want to open up the conversation on the...

January 4, 2021

  So often in the world of infertility, those suffering seek out support, love, and comfort from family and friends, only to find...

December 14, 2020

  To Lena, Your Harper’s article caused quite the stir within the vast infertility community. There were varying perspectives and responses, and we’d like...

December 10, 2020

  At Circle Surrogacy & Egg Donation, we work with incredible women every day who are ready to become mothers and have chosen surrogacy as...

November 23, 2020

  When Eran Amir started building his family, he decided he wanted to pursue surrogacy. But when he started the process of finding...

September 25, 2020

  What if I told you that it was possible to be present, be positive, and be calm even during some of the...

September 8, 2020

  In early January 2019, my husband, Seth, and I decided that it was time to start our own family. We met in...

July 29, 2020

  Our story began in 2016. We stepped off the plane from our honeymoon, and we were informed of bad news about my...

July 13, 2020

  We had two of the biggest grins on our faces, walking through the two glass doors of our fertility clinic on a...

June 22, 2020

  Being a mom is hard. But becoming one, that was even harder. Cankles, hemorrhoids, fear-factor-type cravings at weird hours of the night,...

April 20, 2020

  In a very personal interview with the popular podcast Infertile AF, Samantha Busch, wife of NASCAR star Kyle Busch, Infertility Advocate, and...

March 4, 2020

  When people find out that I have carried five children as a three-time surrogate (yes you counted right, two sets of twins...

October 31, 2019

  I always knew I wanted my own biological children, but I had no idea it would happen through gestational surrogacy, not in...

September 9, 2019

  "I'm so sorry, but you're not pregnant." The same words I have heard many times before. The same feeling of the air...

August 14, 2019
Are you considering gestational surrogacy, either as an intended parent or a surrogate? 👇🏻
#fertility #infertility #ttc #surrogacy
Are you thinking about pursuing a #surrogacyjourney? #infertility #fertility #ttc
How much does #surrogacy cost? #fertility #infertility #ttc
Possibly now, more than ever, surrogacy seems to be in the spotlight ...
Jessie Jakulsky (@surrogacysimplified), Founder of Surrogacy Simplified